Toboggan runs open at Mt Buffalo

MT BUFFALO is expecting "huge" visitation this year, with its toboggan runs already open for use thanks to the recent snowfall.

Ski School owner David Chitty said he was looking forward to the season.

"Traditionally the ski school opens at school holidays on June 25 so for those dates we'll be active and the cafe at Dingo Dell will be open seven days a week," he said.

"The school will open its shop in Dingo Dell to hire toboggans and sell gloves, snow shoes and you can book ski lessons and ski tours.

"At that point the roads are cleared regularly and the rangers are out; the problem with opening too early is there's no customers, however the toboggan runs are now open.

"I think visitation to all resorts will be huge with people are coming out of COVID and, regardless of snow conditions, will want to get out and do things.

"I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at our free, family friendly area in Dingo Dell: remember to make appropriate preparations with chains and warm clothing."

Parks Victoria area chief ranger Julien Atherstone said Parks Victoria was "eager" to welcome visitors to Mount Buffalo National Park.

"Its sheer cliffs, imposing granite tors, Snow Gum forests and tumbling waterfalls transform into a winter wonderland," he said.

"It's the perfect location to experience snow for the first time, especially for families seeking an easy and accessible winter experience, with a range of activities available; from snow play, tobogganing, cross country skiing or snow shoeing.

"It's important for visitors to put their safety first and come prepared with snow chains for their vehicles, as well as appropriate gear and attire for local conditions."

The dedicated toboggan area is only available when there is adequate snow cover and is marked with fencing and signage.

For updated information on the condition of the slope, you can contact local visitor centres or rental stores, check the daily snow report or view the Dingo Dell snow camera:

Visit the Parks Victoria website for the latest information about conditions and closures:–to–see/parks/mount–buffalo–national–park.

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